Become a Prayer Partner

Become a Prayer-Partner

Dear Friends:

We want to share an idea which we think will both bless you and help Blue Mountain Christian Retreat. In many different ways, for over forty years, God has reached out to people coming to “the mountain”.  He provided ministry, rest, and counsel for tired and needy people.  God has touched lives in so many wonderful ways and often with direct miracles.

Chris Dornbierer, our founder, saw great value in this group of “friends”.  He said they are, “a group that is really special. They are the ones who come to pray, to seek His face for strength, direction, and confirmation.  We all need their prayers.  It is a joy to tell you that through the year there are people on the mountain praying and interceding for others.  We delight in this.  We thank God for them, and we want to encourage them”.

Did you know that you too can become a Prayer-Partner of Blue Mountain Christian Retreat?  You can be a real active part of our ministry by praying and giving.  A gift of $25.00 or more per month would make a big difference to us.  Most important, it would enable us to keep our prices reasonable so that average families could still afford to come.  Also, to keep this facility in good shape is becoming more and more of a challenge and is very costly.  Could you decide to help us?  Many have confirmed God’s richest blessings as they bless the Retreat and pray for it.

In return for your monthly pledge, we would like to offer you two free nights of lodging during our off-season time during the week. This could be arranged almost any time during the year except during our busy summer season between mid-June through Labor Day weekend. You would be staying in cooking units so you could prepare your meals if you would like to do that.

We would love for you to experience “the mountain” during the off-season.  You will enjoy the peace and beauty and we know God would refresh your spirit. Being aware that friends are here to pray and seek the Lord makes us thankful to God.   There is nothing in these troubled times that we need more than to really pray for one another. Please see the Prayer Partner Conditions on the back of this sheet.

After prayerful consideration, please respond as God directs your heart.

Thank you for your friendship and support.  Our prayers are with you. 

Helen Miller – Chairman of the Board


  1. Partners must check with the office to see if there is a room for the time they want to come.
  2. Partners can make a reservation for any weeknight Monday-Thursday.
  3. Partners are not able to schedule their “free nights” during the summer from (approx.) Mid-June to Labor Day.
  4. Generally, there are no meals being served during the week, but Partners have the opportunity for light cooking.
  5. Partner nights can be used for up to 2 people. A single person can bring a friend to share the accommodations (but not of the opposite sex).
  6. The two “free nights” can be added onto a weekend reservation (before or after some weekends- Check with the office for availability).
  7. Four months pledge ($100) must be paid before overnight reservations can be honored.
  8.  Due to I.R.S. regulations, when two nights “free lodging” are taken, the next $75 of pledges are not tax deductible.