Be still and breathe! A direct line to the Father…

Wasn’t it just summer?  How did we get to the middle of December and the hustle and bustle of the season? With a difficult year behind us, as we look around there are still fears and stressors looming…BUT we have Jesus!  We have the God given privilege to look up, give it all to our dear Heavenly Father and face the day with God’s undeniable peace! No matter what, He is in control. 

Take a moment to really think about that fact.  The creator of the universe, the God that sent His one and only Son to die for us, the Father that loves us with pure unfailing Love, the one and only powerful Almighty God has us in His wonderful strong arms and is holding us.  Take a deep breath and “Be still and know that I Am God…” Psalm 46:10.   He IS in control.  In Him, and Him only, we can have true peace and rest.

One of the pastors that spoke here this summer, made a great suggestion.  Set an alarm on your phone for a few times each day.  When that alarm goes off, take a minute or two to pray.  Stop everything and remember your privilege to speak with our Heavenly Father.  What a mind-blowing honor – We have a direct line to the Master of the Universe! Thank Him for all the good things you have.  Ask Him for the help that you need.  Lift up your family and friends to Him in prayer.  In those few moments every day, you can take the cares of this world off your shoulders and breathe!  God’s got it!

Here at Blue Mountain Christian Retreat, we are praying for YOU.  You are the heart of our ministry.  We stand firm in God’s strength and hold our hearts and doors open to all who wish to come to the Mountain and spend time with the Lord.  We thank God for you.

Precious Father in Heaven, please bless our faithful friends, far and near.  Fill them with the Peace, strength and Joy that only comes from You.  Bless them with health and stability in troubled times.  Remind them daily of your promises… “they that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength, they will rise up with wings as eagles, they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31.

God bless you!  We hope to see you on the Mountain very soon!

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